Tag: pregnancy
Sleeve Gastrectomy in Adolescent patients
September 23, 2020 5:44 am

Waiting on Pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery
October 27, 2016 11:47 am
Following Bariatric Surgery women should wait to conceive until they are at least 2 yrs post surgery, their weight has been stable for several months and their laboratory studies of vitamin, minerals and electrolytes levels are normal. After weight has stabilized and blood work is normalized pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery can be achieved in a health manner for both mother and infant if monitoring is provided in relation to the surgery. We have discusses previously the importance of these issues in the following blogs here.
The following article by Lisa Rapaport re-emphasises this:
(Reuters Health) – Babies born less than two years after their mothers have weight loss surgery may face a higher risk of serious complications than infants delivered after more time has passed, a U.S. study suggests.
Because obesity is linked to fertility issues, undergoing so-called bariatric surgery to shed excess weight can make it easier for some women to get pregnant. But when these women do conceive, they are more likely to have premature or small infants that require intensive care than women in the general population. The remainder of the article can be found here.
Vitamin D status for Infertility Treatment
August 03, 2016 8:02 pm
Many people with obesity face infertility issues and seek infertility treatment or procedures. A recent article linked Vitamin D status to improved success rate of IVF (in-vito fertilization) & ICSI (interacytoplasmic sperm injection) in The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. It is important to check Vitamin D status for infertility treatment.
Here are the researchers results:
- Of the 252 females that completed the ICSI cycle, 42% became pregnant (n = 108).
- The mean vitamin D status was significantly higher in the pregnant group compared to the non-pregnant group (17.74 ng/ml vs 9 ng/ml, respectively; p = < 0.01).
- Vitamin D status was positively associated with both pregnancy (p = 0.001) and endometrial thickness (p < 0.01).
- Higher vitamin D levels was associated with a 21% increase odds of clinical pregnancy (p < 0.05).
The researchers concluded,
“Deficiency of 25-OHD in females hinders the accomplishment of optimal endometrial thickness required for implantation of embryo after ICSI.”
Following weight loss surgery (WLS) there can be improvement of fertility and for that reason we recommend two forms of birth control methods during the first 18-24 months following WLS or until weight loss has stabilized for several months. This helps to ensure the best outcome and health for the mother and infant.
In our office we continue to stress the importance of Vitamin D3 for bone and dental health, pregnancy, breastfeeding and several auto-immune diseases. Vitamin D has also been shown to reduce pre-term birth Duodenal Switch patients require a dry water miscible form of Vitamin D3 due to the fat malabsorption of the DS procedure. There are several past blog posts on the topic of Vitamin D and it’s associated nutrients.
Pregnancy And Weight Loss SurgeryExclusive Member Content
November 21, 2015 5:34 pm
Pregnancy Post Bariatric Surgery
April 04, 2015 8:11 am
Pregnancy Webinar Post Bariatric Surgery
- Feeding Tube with Duodenal Switch February 3, 2025
- Cheers! Alcohol Metabolism December 17, 2024
- Vitamin Toxicity December 17, 2024
- Too Much Protein & Protein Metabolism December 17, 2024
- Digestive Juices December 16, 2024