Home » Blog » Sleeve Gastrectomy in Adolescent patients
Posted On : September 23, 2020 The benefits of weight loss surgical procedures are undisputed. Over the last decades, as the incidence of obesity has increased, so has the need for effective long-term treatment options. It is no secret that diet and exercise plans are only short-term remedies since none of them provide realistic long-term alternatives. Let’s be clear that a healthy diet and activity level are critical to a healthy body and mind and to the long-term success of weight loss surgery.
A frequent question: How young is too soon for weight loss surgery? We work with our patients to ensure that weight loss surgery will not affect the growth of an adolescent patient with regard to height, bone formation, and hormonal status. Specifically, there are concerns about a female patient’s ability to get pregnant and have children. All the scientific evidence points to the benefits of weight loss surgery and the improved ability to get pregnant and bear the pregnancy to completion. Weight loss positively impacts the ability to get and have a healthy pregnancy leading to a non obese child.
An article recently published demonstrated the benefits of early intervention. Specifically, it showed the improved odds of resolution of diabetes in the younger patients (100% in adolescents, Vs. 75% in adults ) at 24 months post-op.
Sleep apnea resolved at the same rate. These early interventions can mean there may be lower long-term risk and associated conditions for these teens as they age.
A recent article was written from several adolescent weight loss surgical patients’ perspectives: This included their feelings of hope for their futures and health.
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