Category: vitamin B
Pregnancy And Weight Loss SurgeryExclusive Member Content
November 21, 2015 5:34 pm
Neuromuscular Disease After Weight Loss Surgery
June 08, 2015 11:30 am
Weight loss surgical procedures may result in varying degrees of nutritional deficiencies. Some of these nutritional deficiencies may cause neuromuscular disease if left untreated, these include vitamins, minerals, and protein. The long-term effect of these deficiencies may presents as neuromuscular conditions including, weakness, numbness, confusion and all others if not-diagnosed and untreated. It is important to note that all weight loss surgical procedures require lifetime vitamin, mineral supplements and protein monitoring and possible supplements.
The table below outlines some of the specific neurological and neuromuscular disease complications following bariatric surgery. The most common deficiencies seen with the duodenal switch operation are fat soluble vitamin deficiencies. These include, Vitamin A, D, E and K. Duodenal Switch patients need oral supplements of Dry “Water Miscible” type of Vitamin A, D, E, and K based on their laboratory studies and needs.
The neurological deficiencies are manifested much more frequently with the Gastric Bypass than the duodenal switch operation. The most common nutritional deficients are that of B1, B12, Folate deficiencies that are common in Gastric Bypass. A list of possible neurologic deficiencies and there associated symptoms were summarized by Becker (2012). Another article with Nutritional Neuropathies.
Nutritional deficiencies are seen in a number of illnesses including weight loss surgery patients.
Angular Cheilitis
October 04, 2014 2:35 am
Cracked corners of the lips is know as Angular Cheilitis (AC). This is a condition that is not uncommon. It has been contributed to a lowered immune state caused by multiple factors. The underlying lowered immune state may predispose a patient to an infection which can cause the AC. These infections can be caused by bacteria or fungus that is normally present in healthy individuals, but with any level stress placed on the immune system, they are able to spread.
This condition can surface with minimal weakening of the immune system. Possible contributing factor of weakened immune system may be stress (physical and psychological), trauma, malnutrition, and extreme fatigue. Vitamin B and Iron deficiency was also suspected to be a cause of AC. The Vitamin B or iron deficiency may be contributing factor of weakened immune state and not directly causing AC. It is however important to correct all possible contributing causes including Iron and vitamin B deficiency.
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- Too Much Protein & Protein Metabolism December 17, 2024
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