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Category: alkaline phosphatase

Liver Injury and Obesity

April 30, 2018 11:36 am

Liver is a vital organ. It has many roles in the physiologic pathways including protein productions, clotting function, iron metabolism, production of bile and cholesterol, etc. as well as metabolism and filtering of waste products. We should think of it as a refinery, for conversion of raw material from food to energy used by our body, in addition to a processing and distribution center for mineral, and nutrients. Liver injury can have devistating effects and long term ramifications if unchecked.

Liver is also very resilient and forgiving to stressors and injury. The liver will tolerate repeated insults caused by Medication (both prescription and over the counter) , obesity, Diabetes, alcohol, and herbal supplements, to name a few, but only if care is taken and the offending stressor is removed. During the injury phase, however, the liver may have a difficult time keeping up with bodily function needs due to loss of fully function cells.

The anatomy of liver can change from normal (both visually to the naked eye and under microscope) to mild inflammation and reverse back to normal if the underlying causes of injury are removed. IF, however, the anatomy of the liver changes with fibrosis, it crosses to an irreversible range where it can only be prevented from progressing rather than reversing.

Stages of Liver Injury and Fibrosis
Stages of Liver Injury and Fibrosis
Liver Injury and Obesity
example of liver fibrosis
Liver Injury and Obesity
example of liver fibrosis

In the obese population, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) causes inflammation and a slowly diminishing functionality of the liver. NAFLD is the leading cause of liver disease in the U.S. Unchecked or untreated NAFLD can progress to NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis. NAFLD, or “fatty” liver disease, is an accumulation of fat within the liver. NASH is a progression that can lead to inflammation of the liver cells or advance to fibrosis and cirrhosis. In addition to liver injury, there is some evidence that NAFLD also correlates with cardiovascular disease.

Causes of NAFLD:

  • Obesity
  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Sedentary lifestyle

Symptoms may include fatigue, right upper quadrant pain, and liver enzyme elevation.

During bariatric or weight loss surgery, we visualize and occasionally biopsy the liver to define the degree of injury, if identified. Following weight loss surgical procedures, a rise in liver function enzymes may be expected due to the processing of waste products following fat mass loss. However, long-term bariatric procedures can significantly improve NAFLD and NASH. Bariatric procedures require adherence to protein and supplement requirements and regular physician visits—the past blog of liver disease.

Weight loss surgical procedures improve liver function abnormalities.

What does elevated Alkaline Phosphatase level mean?

March 18, 2014 2:17 am

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is on enzyme that is produced mostly by the liver and bones.  There are other organs in an adult that produce alkaline phosphatase including the kidneys and the small bowel. Placental of a pregnant female also produces some alkaline phosphatase. The amount of alkaline phosphatase produced by the liver is more than the combined level of alkaline phosphatase by all other sources in an adult.

There are laboratory studies that can distinguish between 2 primary sources of the ALP.  The two “isoenzymes” are bone ALP and liver ALP.

The presence of an elevated level alkaline phosphatase is significant in post weight loss surgical patients because of its relationship to calcium and vitamin D absorption.  When a patient has inadequate calcium and vitamin D absorption (or intake) this will result in elevation of the parathyroid hormone (PTH).   Elevated level of parathyroid hormone will the cause, increased bone breakdown, increased absorption of calcium from the GI tract, increased resorption of the calcium from the kidneys.  All of these measures are to normalize the level of the calcium in the blood.  One of the byproducts of bone breakdown is alkaline phosphatase. 
When the patient has an elevated ALP consideration should be given to liver sources including biliary obstruction.  In post duodenal switch operation this can only be studied by a magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP.)  Patients with a duodenal switch operation cannot have an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP.) Needless to say broader range of liver function tests should also be evaluated.

Parathyroid hormone level, vitamin D 25-OH level and calcium level will also be needed in order to evaluate the possible cause off calcium malabsorption as the underlying reason for elevated alkaline phosphatase by the mechanism described above.  A typical patient may have an elevated parathyroid level, low calcium and low vitamin D level.