Category: rebanding
Revision from failed AGB to Duodenal Switch
January 10, 2018 2:10 pm
A few times a month during consultation for weight loss surgery , I’m ask as to why I do not offer the adjustable gastric banding as an alternative to the patients. As I have said over the years when a patient considers an weight loss surgery the totality of the risk should be considered. This includes the operative, immediate postoperative course, the maintenance and the follow-ups needed. The potential complications of the procedure in addition to the long-term success off each operation should also be taken into account.
Unfortunately, some patients are led to believe that any perceived benefit in the short operative time and the ease of the adjustable gastric banding also translates to a better outcome. This is in fact the opposite of what the published data have shown, a recent study published in April 2017 by Vinzes, shows that 71% of patient lost their band by 10 years out.
What is also interesting that more patients underwent revision from failed AGB to the duodenal switch than the sleeve gastrectomy (Fig 1.). This is what I also recommend.
More importantly, The patients who underwent a revision from failed AGB to the duodenal switch operation had the best long term results of all patients (Fig 2.) note the “rBPD” line that is the highest of %EBMIL.
Complication’s were broad and frequent (Table 3.)
Further information on revision from failed AGB to Duodenal Switch or other failed weight loss surgeries can be found here.
Rebanding- A Bad Idea In My Opinion
May 12, 2015 3:42 pm
There is a wide discrepancy of outcomes for patients who have decided to have weight loss surgery and are experiencing different weight loss, regain and complications primary related to their choice of the procedure. In our practice we see quite a few revisions cases on weekly basis. More recently there have been a few “Rebanding” patients seeking revision to the Duodenal Switch.
The typical scenario is of a patient who had an adjustable gastric band placed, and after the initial weight loss (mostly because of the persistent nausea and vomiting) the weight stabilized. The weight loss was never close to a healthy weight and in most cases their co-morbidities did not resolve but now have added complications of reflux and abdominal pain developed. These patients were then recommended to have the band repositioned to resolve a slipped band causing the above complications.
The scientific evidence for rebranding is not justifiable. I think there continues to be an element of denial that the adjustable gastric banding procedures do not work for the vast majority of the people. In fact, AGB in the long term will result in some complications that may not be revisable. The scientific literature shows that there is no benefit to rebranding when it comes to weight loss.
In my opinion when a patient encounters problem with the adjustable gastric band, Duodenal Switch operation represent the best option because it has the best long term outcome of all weight loss surgical procedures.
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