Dr. Ara Keshishian believes that educating his patients is one of the keys to their success. Therefore, we have put together our video library. It contains recorded webinars, educational videos, and segments of actual surgical videos which are narrated. The topics covered include Duodenal Switch, Sleeve Gastrectomy, RNY Gastric Bypass Revisions, Adjustable Gastric Band Revisions, Sleeve to Duodenal Switch Revisions, and nutritional issues. Additionally General Surgery and Anti Reflux surgery is also detailed. We hope that you find the videos informational and helpful.
You can also find additional information regarding related topics under our Blog tab. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 818-812-7222, via e-mail at contact@dssurgery.com or by filling in the online form here.
- All
- Achalasia
- Adhesions
- AdjustableGastric Band
- Anatomy
- Animation
- Armenian
- Band Related
- Bariatric surgery
- Bile Reflux
- bowel obstruction
- Bowel Resection
- Cholecystectomy
- common duct
- complication of lap Band
- Coronavirus
- Covid_19
- Dumping syndrome
- Endoscopy
- English
- esophageal motility
- esophagitis
- feeding tube
- General Surgery
- Hernia Surgery
- Instruction - Education
- Lap Band
- Lap Band Removal
- Lap Sleeve Gastretomy
- LapBand Removal
- Lysis Of Adhesions
- metabolic syndrome
- Others
- Ozempic
- post op diet
- post operative diet
- Robotic Surgery
- Romanian
- Sleeve Gastrectomy
- slipped Lap-Band
- Spanish
- stapler
- Testimonials
- Webinars/Lectures
- Wegovy
- weight loss
- Weight Loss Surgery