Whenever there is a bowel resection with anastomosis made there will be a defect in the mesentery (the tissue that holds the blood supply and the nerves etc going to and from the bowel) that needs to be closed. In this particular case, the stitches that were used to close the defect were intact and yet the tissue had separated from it. The result is an internal hernia. This can cause bowel obstruction, where by a loop of the bowel can go through the defect and kink the bowel causing the blockage. In some cases, the internal hernia may reduce itself with intermittent symptoms of the bowel obstruction and in other cases it may require immediate emergent surgery. A CAT scan with oral and IV contrast is needed after Duodenal Switch to visualize the alimentary and bioliopancreatic limbs.
Symptoms may include but are not limited to:
- nausea
- vomiting
- abdominal bloating
- abdominal tenderness
- cramping abdominal pain
- diarrhea, constipation
- feeling of inability to completely empty bowels
- fever
- severe abdominal pain.
- Feeding Tube with Duodenal Switch February 3, 2025
- Cheers! Alcohol Metabolism December 17, 2024
- Vitamin Toxicity December 17, 2024
- Too Much Protein & Protein Metabolism December 17, 2024
- Digestive Juices December 16, 2024
I have everysymptom pretty much from this article . is there any solution to fix this.
I would suggest for a patient with a suspected bowel obstruction to be seen asap.
Hello Doc
I recognize that picture. Thanks for taking care of that little issue. (:
I was having the symptoms you described but with everything else I had going on I didn’t put 2 and 2 together.
I have felt for months that there is an internal partial obstruction and reason for my constipation. I get very bad bloating especially under my ribs and a full feeling also. About half the time I eat things I could eat before, I get sick. Stools that I am able to pass seem to be squeezed through something that causes them to look pencil thin and flat on the sides. (Like trying to push something round through a not round hole. But something changes and I am back to mostly normal. My WLS Dr. is no longer around. I have been seeing a Gastro- colonoscopy was ok. No other tests have been done. He claims that if the colonoscopy is normal – majority of the time constipation isn’t caused from an internal structure. Meaning I need to do something to get moving. I’ve also had the feeling like I need to push on my left side and up in order for relief or to pass gas when this is happening ( i’ve also been known in desperation to do some very awkward acrobatics to move things along ) I guess I’m wondering if I could possibly have this condition with out the excruciating pain?I am uncomfortable and bloated and if I push near my bellybutton it hurts but not really in pain.
Find a Surgeon and be seen
Need more workup. See your PCP for further work up and studies.
Long term opioid use for severe back problems on all 3 levels, and a torn rotor cuff from an auto that drove into oncoming traffic. My upper and lower colonoscopy and endoscopy were normal, 1 small popup removed. Movantic used 5 years or more. DR wants to treat with meds, I feel like I can no longer tolerate it, I saw him a few days ago, can’t go to the toilet. your thoughts
Need to correct the underlying condition. See your Surgeon and the PCP